Thursday, February 12, 2009


Today I have mucho things to be Thankful for!
1. I am so .THANKFUL. for the gospel of Jesus Christ, and for my testimony in it.. I know there was a time in my life I've questioned alot of things but I KNOW that I would not be where I am and making the choices I am making if I didn't have a true testimony! It's so cool how it completely changes your thinking, you feelings, and your entire outlook on life! I LOVE, LOVE LOVE IT!!
2. I am .THANKFUL. for my family!! They are sooo amazing and sooo much fun!! Tom for what a great example of what a husband and father should be. Mom for being my best friend, for always being there for me.. even when I didn't want her to be, for never giving up on me.. EVER! Brit and Wyatt for being such great examples of what kind of life I want to have and the spirit I want in my home! Kole for being soooo much fun, and being such a sweet little/big brother!! Broc for being one of my favorite people in those whole darn world!! He's sooo much fun and can make you laugh til your side hurts! Destany for being so sweet and always being a little reminder that I am a role model and need to be wise in choices I make because someone is always looking up to me! and *SWEET* little Brecken! He's the seriously the BEST little kid I've ever met and was a big help getting me where I am out today!

3. I am .THANKFUL. for a house to live in, for food to eat, for clothes to wear, for a car to drive (even if it's 'the beast' right now), for the scriptures, for the power of prayer, for a healthy body!
4. I am .THANKFUL. for Bo, he's a such an amazing man, and has been such a blessing in my life, and such a strength!


Miss Amanda said...

ps... I already know thursday is spelt wrong in the title thing..

Kris said...

Is that p.s. for me? I'm thankful for you!!! You are such a honey and I love you so much!!! I'm also so proud of you.