Friday, February 20, 2009

i would .NeveR.

A few things i .DID NOT. do this week:
i .DID NOT. eat allllll of my valentines chocolates.. and then some..
i .DID NOT. [LET] my little sister ((who by the way is 4)) put all the clothes I washed last saturday on hangers for me today ((which is now the next friday))
*okay so i just have to add she was putting this vest on a hanger with a cute furry hood and goes.. is this a life jacket?!*
i also .DID NOT. tell her that if she did that i would let her color in my coloring book.. and the only way i knew where it was, was if she did hang up all my clothes.. nope i definitely did not do that! ((that MAY be breaking some sort of child labor law and i would NEVER do that))
i .DID NOT. fail a spelling test at a job interview and only get 2 words on it right because they were on the poster hanging in the room... nope
i .DID NOT. stay in my pj's ALL day yesterday and then again today.. nope that would be just plain lazy...
i .DID NOT. stay home alone last night and watch nights in rodanthe by myself and cry like a baby...
((can i just add that it is MY time of the month rite now and that may or may not have something to do with most of the things that i definitely .DID NOT. do this week...))


~Wyatt~Brittney~Brecken~Oliver~ said...

Poor Olivia. . .you better not do that stuff to Brecken when he gets older!

R Allen said...

Oh no... don't tell me Nights in Rodanthe is SAD?! I have to read that book for Book Club and I can NOT handle another love tragedy!

Please say it isn't so!

Child slavery? Congrats... you have learned the first lesson of child-rearing... bribery works.

Anonymous said...

Hello! Thanks for stopping by. VEry cute blog.

tvmom said...

thanks for adding me to your blog! I really want to watch nights in rodanthe too, i've only heard great things about it.

J. Baxter said...

I'm all over child slave labor. My poor children...

Kris said...

Manda, you always make me laugh.
Love you

Erin said...

What a funny list. Love it!